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Zenegy Integration

This page will guide you through how you set up the integratio between HR-ON Staff and Zenegy. This means that you only have to update the informations on one platform - HR-ON Staff. The information you provide will then automatically be updated in Zenegy as well.


How to link the two accounts

1. Open HR-ON Staff go to settings

2. Choose external integration and click on add integration below the Zenegy logo to activate this

3. A new window will appear. Click on link accounts

4. This will take you to the Zenegy login page. Once you log in, the two accounts will be linked and this photo will appear:

Notion image

5. From now on the changes you make in HR-ON Staff will automatically be updated in Zenegy.

Two-way integration - exchange information both ways

If you want the changes you make regarding an employee to be exchanged both ways between the platforms, and not just from HR-ON Staff to Zenegy, you can activate two-way integration. To do this simply follow these steps:

1. Go to your HR-ON Staff account. Go to settings > external integration > click on add integration below Zenegy > go to 2 options > click on the slider two-way integration to activate the function. Please note that when the function is deactivated the changes you make in HR-ON Staff will still be updated in Zenegy, but any changes made in Zenegy will not affect the data in HR-ON Staff. Also note, that changes made in HR-ON Staff will appear in Zenegy immediately, but once the two-way integration in activated changes in Zenegy will be updated every 30 minutes.

2. If there are any employee's whose data you do not want to be updated, you can deselect these so their information will not be syncronized. You can do this by scrolling down to Denylist > choose one or more fieldvalues from the employee data card. This means that any employee with the given value will be discarded. For example, if you wish to discard any employee with the field value 'intern'.

3. The opposite could also be the case. Simply scroll down to the Allowlist Once again choose one or more field values from the employee data card, and then choose the employees with the given value. This could be useful in case you only want to syncronize the employee with the field 'Permanent employee' in Zenegy.

Notion image

Choose the fields you want to syncronize

The third and last menu item in the integration set up is Field Mappings. This is where you choose the fields that you want to syncronize between the two systems. The data you provide in the HR-ON Staff coloumn must mact the data you see in the Zenegy coloumn (see the illustration below).

In Zenegy, some fields are automatically syncronized with fields in HR-ON Staff and these cannot be deselected. You will find these fields in the top of the lists. The rest of the fields are user-defined fields.

Notion image

Prevent errors that complicate the integration

You may want to be aware of a few errors that can occur and which complicates the integration. These are errors such as:

  • Global values
  • Global value sets
  • CPR-numbers may lock in Zenegy

Global values

If a global value appears in a field in Zenegy, the field it is supposed to match in HR-ON Staff will not work. This could happen in cases such as when an employee has a global value in Zenegy under 'income type'. This means that the integration will not change the income type if this is changed in the HR-ON Staff mapping field.

In Zenegy it is possible to define the global values of an employee.

Global value sets

If a so-called global value set is represented on an employee in Zenegy, the integration with HR-ON Staff will not change the given values of these fields in regards to the employee if they have a global value from the global set of values. In Zenegy you can define which global values should belong to the global values sets.

CPR-numbers may lock in Zenegy

Once a CPR-number is send to Zenegy, Zenegy validates the number with the Danish authorities. If the CPR-number has been synchronized from HR-ON Staff and happens to not be validated (because it does not exist) you can still edit the CPR-number.

However, if the CPR-number is not correct, but still happens to be an existing CPR-number, Zenegy will lock the field. This means that during the integration the value cannot be changed even if you change the CPR-number on the employee's data card in HR-ON Staff. To solve this issue you will need to manually delete the employee in Zenegy and then transfer the employee from HR-ON Staff with the correct CPR-number.

In the unlikely event that a payslip has already been created based on the wrong CPR-number, you must change it and withdraw it and then delete the employee before you retransfer the new employee with the correct CPR-number to Zenegy.

Please note that the following field may lock in Zenegy after the first payslip:

  • Income type.

Please reach out to our support team in case of any questions HR-ON Support.

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