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Manage Employees

In the following section we will guide you through the setting Manage employees.

The basic setup of your platform is in order. You can always get a brush-up of the rudimentary settings by returning to Step 1.

Now, you are ready to add your employees to the platform.

There are two different methods to add your employees to the platform. You can either import your employees through a file, or you can add each employee manually. We will guide you through both methods below.


Import employees

In the setting Manage employees you can download an import template with a CSV-file.

You can either upload a CSV-file with all fields from the employee data card, or a file that only contains fields marked as mandatory.

Regardless of your CSV-file, the platform will require you to fill out all mandatory fields.

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When you have filled out the CSV file, it is time to upload, analyze, and import it. You upload it by clicking Select file, which will then be analyzed. The platform is very sensitive as it contains personal data, and it will register any discrepancies. You must fill out the fields on the employee data card in the CVS file so that they correspond to the data the platform needs.

When the CSV file has been analyzed and approved, you can start the import. The duration of the import depends on the number of employees. If you need to do a large update of your employee data set at a later time, you can do so under the setting Manage employees. The process is the same as importing employees, except you must choose the tab Update employee data.

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Add employee

When it is time to add an employee, you do so in the module Employees. Hence, we move away from Settings.

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Click Add employee and fill out the employee data card. The first tab to fill out is your required fields. You can also transfer new employees from your account on HR-ON Recruit.

The other tabs contain the remaining data card fields you set up in your Data Card Setup.

Under Settings’ last tab, you can give the employee access by generating a new password. When you add the employee you do not have to give them access right away, as you can always do so by clicking Send login information as described in the guide: Properties of the Employee Tab.


Import new employees from HR-ON Recruit

The integration for HR-ON Recruit must be switched on before you can import new employees. You can check this by going to the setting External Integration. If the integration is red, it is switched off, and you have to contact our Customer Success Team , who will help you.

Please note: The new employee’s status in Recruit must be set to Hired.

To import a new employee from HR-ON Recruit, go to the Employee view and click Add Employee.

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After adding a department, you can click Fetch data from HR-ON Recruit.

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A window will appear where you can see the data that will be imported from HR-ON Recruit. You can edit this data to fit your particular needs.


We have now been through how to either import employees or manually add them.

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