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When the roles are in place, you must precisely review each role’s permissions. You do this by accessing Settings > Permissions. Select the level (Person, Department, or Company). Then, choose the role in the “Select Roles to edit” box and click on Expand All.

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We recommend systematically reviewing all categories within Permissions for each role. It may be a comprehensive process, but it's our clear recommendation. See how below.

Tip: Easily Adjust Permissions

When adjusting permissions for a new role, you can easily compare the new role with an old role.

  1. Go to Settings
  1. Select the Permissions tab
  1. Go to the 'Select roles for editing' box
  1. Select the roles to be compared
  1. Go through the list and adjust the permissions (in the example below, you can see three chosen roles: Management, See all employees, and Payroll Manager)
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Add a Role to an Employee

The employees you want to access and perform actions on your new HR platform should be assigned a role. We will delve further into this in Step 2, where we will go through how to import or manually add your employees in the Manage Employees guide and then add roles to your employees in the Employee Tab Options guide.


Now, we have gone through the Permissions setting. You have decided which roles you need initially. You have probably added or adjusted roles and assigned permissions for these roles based on what the role should be able to do in the platform. You can add and modify these settings at any time.


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