In this section you will learn about the functions and properties of the employee tab.
Employee view
In the section Employees you'll find the overview of your employees.

You will see three functions right below the headline.
- Change the view: The icon furthest to the left and in the middle indicate how the employee view will appear visually. You can change it up by clicking on the view you want
- Organizational chart: If you want to see your organizational chart, you must click on the icon on the right. Read more about setting up your organizational chart in this guide

In addition, you can add a new employee by clicking the button Add employee. Read more on this in the guide Manage employees. On the right hand side of Add employee, you can filter the view of your employees. For example, you can choose to show Active employees and Future employees, and then you can search for a specific employee.
Create your personal employee view
You can create your personal view of your employees using the function Columns, which you'll find far out on the top right.

This function is important to know if you need specific details about the employees in the view. It can be details such as Departments, Roles & Permissions, nearest manager, etc. Furthermore, you can save specific views to alternate between different views depending on the type of details you need to be displayed.

You create your view by clicking on Columns, choosing the details you wish to see, and then clicking Apply. If you want to save the specific view, you do so by clicking Save View, and then give the specific view a name. Besides creating your personal view, the details you choose will be the ones you see the next time you log in.
View and edit the employee data card
Below the column function you'll see the Edit Mode. If you turn this tool on, you will be able to edit the pieces of information on the employee data card that you want to, without having to go to every single data card. This can be useful if you need to edit pieces of information on the data cards of multiple employees, and so the tool saves you both clicks and time. Use Columns to see the columns you wish to edit.

Additionally, in the tab Employees you can click to go to a specific employee's data card and see all the details that you have registered on that particular employee. Read more about setting up the data card in this guide. When you go to the employee's data card you can both add and edit information. This is also where you add Equipment, Competences, and attach Processes and Engagements.
It is also on the employee's data card that you can send a document for digital signature if you need the employee's signature. You can read more on this in our guide on creating a digital signature here.
We will expand on all of this in Continue the your Journey with Staff in the guide Properties of the data card.
Finally, you can access Logs which is a registration of the activity on the employee's account and potential changes on their data card in HR-ON Staff. You can also access Logs on every single field on the data card. You do so by clicking on the field and then the little clock next to it. You can use these logs as a history of for example former pay grades or titles.

Add roles to employees
On the employee's data card under the section Permissions, you can add roles with permissions to your employees. Read more about the rudimentary setup of Roles and Permissions here: Roles and Permissions.
You can add the roles that you created under settings, by clicking Add role on a chosen scope: Person, Department, or Company. At a Personal scope, you will only be able to see the roles that you created on this level. The same goes for the Department and Company scopes. If you have created roles that will automatically be added to new employees, these roles will already be visible on the employee data card.
If you wish to see which permissions belong to each role, you can click on the name of the role which will make a list pop up. The list contains all the permissions given to this role. This is also where you can remove or add particular permissions to a specific employee in case there are deviations from the guiding role.
The menu "With selected"
Once you find yourself back in the employee overview, you have the option of marking individual or all employees. You do so by clicking the small icon in the column on the left which then will activate the menu at the bottom called With selected. From here you can choose to take different actions. Among those actions, one worth mentioning is Send new password, which will send an e-mail with login information to your employees, and with that grant them access to your HR-ON Staff.
Now, you are all the more wiser as to the properties of the tab Employees, including how to edit information on the employee data card. Step 2 on employees is now complete, and you are ready to continue your journey.