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Engagement Builder Tab Options (Version 2)

A new version of Engagement Builder has been released, which includes all the same features you are familiar with, but the design itself has been updated. Additionally, some new features have been added, particularly in relation to creating engagement themes.

Engagement Builder Tab Features

In this guide, you can learn more about the options and features available when using the Engagement Builder tool.

On the left side, you can choose between "associations," "templates," and "types." Below, each feature is explained in detail.


Get an overview of assigned engagements:

Under this tab, you can get an overview of the assigned engagements and, among other things, find information about the deadline, status of the engagement, and who the engagement is assigned to. By clicking on the "funnel" icon, as seen next to assigned items, it is possible to filter by specific users, start date, or status.

If you want to display other columns in the overview, click on "columns." Here, you can, for example, choose "deadline" or "department."

On the right side, you can click on "View responses" to see the answers.

At the top of the tab, you can choose between the different types of engagements, which you can define under the "types" tab. By selecting the type "MUS," only templates of this type will be shown.

Assign an engagement:

Under the Engagement tab and the Assignments tab, you can assign an engagement to one or more employees or link the engagement to a specific department.

When you click on "assign engagement," you need to select which template you want to assign and then choose the recipient.

Here, you can select all users in the company or choose specific users or departments.

If another user, such as the direct manager, is to respond to the engagement on behalf of the assigned person, check the "Delegate Engagement" option. You can choose between employee relationships (such as direct manager and buddy), roles, and users in the system.

Once recipients have been added to the engagement, the next step is settings. The "Settings" section is further explained in the "Settings in Engagement" tab

On this page, you will get an overview of, among other things, the start date, deadline, and reminder, as well as the invitation sent to the assigned person with the link to the engagement. If you wish to edit this information, click on "Change settings" at the bottom.

When you create a template, you can also customize the settings. This is done by clicking on the "gear" icon at the top.

Under the "Employees" tab, you can go to the individual employee, click on "Engagements," and then "Assign Engagement."

Engagement templates

Under the "Templates" tab, you have the option to create a new engagement. This is explained step by step in the guide "Create an Engagement." Additionally, you have an overview of the engagements that have already been created.

The created engagements are divided into the types you have defined. At the top, you can filter by a specific type, such as "MUS," to display all engagement templates of that type.

In the overview of templates, you can, for example, see the language of the engagement, who the template is available for, and when the template was last edited.

By clicking on "edit" on the right side, the template will open, and you will have the option to edit the content of the template. On the other hand, if you click on the arrow next to "edit," you can assign the engagement, duplicate the template (if, for example, you want an identical template), and delete the template


Under "Types," you can create new types of engagements and view the existing types. Types are used to keep track of engagements. For example, all engagements related to onboarding are labeled as the "onboarding" type.

Access to the different types of engagements is managed under "Roles & Permissions." For example, you can give employees access to the "onboarding" type, but restrict access to templates under the “Preboarding” type.

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