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Dashboard options
Employee Data Card
Employee Data Card: Documents
Employee Data Card: Signatures
Employee Data Card: Equipment
Employee Data Card: Processes
Employee Data Card: Engagements
Employee Data Card: Permissions
Equipment Tab Options
Vacation and Absence
Vacation and Absence
Vacation accrual
The process’ tab options
What is a process?
Create a process template
Attach process template
Process Examples
Recurring Processes
Engagement Builder
Engagement Builder Tab Options
What is an Engagement?
Create an Engagement
Engagement Builder Examples
Engagement Builder Tab Options (Version 2)
Create Engagement
Document Tab Options
Document folders: Create a folder structure
Document Types
Document Templates and Placeholders
Placeholders: Conditional - and inverted conditional placeholders
Time Registration
How to Use the Time Registration Tool in Staff
Time Registration: Overview
Time Registration: Projects
Time Registration: Break types
Time Registration: Presence types
Time Registration: Templates
Time Tracking: How to Register Your Work Hours on the Staff Web Version
Time Tracking: How to Register Your Work Hours on the StaffBuddy App
Compentences tab options