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Attach process template

Here we cover how you can attach a process for an employee:

  • How to attach a process to an employee
  • How to attach a process to an employee with personal settings

If you want to assign a process to an employee, you have different options. You can either go to Processes and then go to the tab Assignments, then click on Attach process. You can also go to the tab Templates. Find the template you want to use. Click on the three dots on the right next to the title of the template. This activates a menu where you click on Attach to employees. The following will go over the remainder of the process.

Go to the tab Employees and find the data card of the relevant employee. Click on the tab Processes and click on attach process.

Next up you can learn about how you attach a process to one or more employees:

How to attach a process to an employee

When you want to attach a process to an employee, simply choose the employee from the dropdown list and click on attach process.

When you attach a process to an employee a new window will appear. This lets you choose between different process templates that can be attached. You will also need to set a cut-off date or a start date. For a preboarding process the cut-off date will usually be the new employee's first day in the office. To learn more about the cut-off dates in processes, go Create a process template.

Once this step has been completed you can edit the template by deleting, adjust or add assignments and/or add dates so the template match your specific needs. Any edits you make to the template will only affect this specific process - the original template will not be affected.

When the template is ready, click on attach process to employee. The platform will automatically start assigning tasks, sending out e-mails and notifications depending how your process has been set up.

How to attach a process to multiple employee with individual settings

You can attach processes to multiple employees at once even if they have different terms that need to be taken into account.

From the dropdown menu, choose the relevant employees. Click on attach process. Start by choosing a template.

Next, choose the cut-off date for the first employee. This is done by clicking on the date field that you can see under the title cut-off date/start date. Then click on set date. If the cut-off date is the same for all employees, then click on set date and apply to all. If this is not the case, you must assign cut-off dates individually.

Once this is done you can expand each process template by clicking on the individual employees name. Next, you can edit them in the way it was described in the former paragraph. When all the edits have been done, complete the step by clicking on attach process to employees.

This guide has taught you how to attach a process to one or more employees as well as how you can individualize them.

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